Sentence adalah kalimat
pengandaian.Conditional terbagi atas 4 bagian, yaitu :
· Factual Conditional (Type 0)
To talk about general Truth. (Untuk
menyatakan sesuatu yang umum terjadi dalam suatu situasi dan yang merupakan
hubungan sebab - akibat).
If + Simple Present + Simple
Example :
- If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.
- If you eat to much, you gain weight.
- If the temperature of water drops to freezing point, it turns into ice.
- If water is added to oil, the oil floats on top.
· Open Conditional (First Conditional = Type 1)
To talk about things in the future
which can happen or which are possible. (untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang mungkin
terjadi di waktu yang akan datang)
If + Simple Present + Simple
Example :
- If it rains, he will stay at home.
- I will tell you what he said, if you don't tell anyone.
- If I finish my work early today, I will go to the movie.
- If you leave before six, you will catch the bus.
- I will explain the lesson if you ask me.
- If you submit your home work , you will get a good grate.
If you give me money,
I will help you.
If you help me, I
will give you money.
If you leave your
sister alone, she will miss you.